Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Plants And Lack Of Inspriation

I bought a fern from Trader Joe's a few days ago for a few dollars. I love how healthy it looks and hope that I can keep it living long. I have not had luck with these things and I think its mostly from drowning them in the past.

Here is my kokedama that my friend gave me as a gift months ago. It started growing a new leaf and my ass is all kinds of excited about it.

My creeping charlie/Swedish vine is doing really well. I separated it from the inch plant that it came with and it started flourishing like crazy. I had no idea that it would grow as well or as fast as it has since putting it in its own pot.

I made a Mario Bros. standing Perler design. It was super easy to do. I only made it because...I could. I have some ideas of what to make but they require colors I do not have. I have started making so may designs and then I just dump the design and make something else just to dump that as well. I just straight up have no inspiration to make things and it sucks. I don't like making things just to make them.

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