Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Big Ass Congo Plant

I got this big ass Philodendron Congo plant from my friend and her husband. She says they moved it outside and within two days the leaves got a tan and this is the result. She gave it to me and I was gonna just cut off the burnt leaves but sites said that it would shock the plant so for now they stay. There is already a new one growing. I have seen large versions of this and I am hoping this sticks around to get to that point. I will be buying a new pot this weekend for it.

Update: Today I went to Home Depot and repotted some plants and got a new plant for the big boy. Turns out it was not draining well at all and sitting in mud. There were also a few gnats and I am not playing that game in my apartment again. I noticed a few since I got the plant and thought it had to do with the weather recently. I changed the dirt and was shocked by how long the root was. I cleaned it  a bit without damaging anything.

In case you're wondering all those pictures on the floor are Perler bead designs in frames that I can't get rid of and acrylic pours.

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