Saturday, May 11, 2019

Plant Update

As you all may know I have plants. A lot of plants. A month or so ago I stained the shelf all the way on the right and loved it. I was annoyed having it so bright compared to the other two. Believe it or not these are all the same named shelf from IKEA but the one in the middle that I got from Camille is far more sturdy. Guess the quality dropped over the years. I have over forty plants now and want more but need to figure out where I would even put them.

I also have the palm and ficus. The ficus is doing well and barely loses leaves anymore and is getting wider. The palm is not doing too well after a random millipede invasion that lasted weeks. They didn't even come from the plant but showed up through cracks in the wall and bee-lined it for the palm. I had to starve the plant to keep it from being interesting but I think it suffered because of it. I may just got another one or something else that likes my place more. So far flowers, wispy light plants, and this palm do not enjoy my apartment.

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