Monday, May 27, 2019

More New Plants

Yesterday Cam and I headed to Burbank and got some more plants from Lucy. I love her plants. I repotted most of them and was afraid that I would need some more dirt or perlite but ended up repotting older plants, moved some stuff around, and everything worked out fine. I baked the old dirt because gnats are real in these streets, and finished everything up. One of the plants is a plumeria which I hope does well because the full versions of them look great. Got flowers and everything. I also got a dragon fruit. I don't think my body is ready for it. I thought it just had the same name as the fruit but it turns out that it is the same thing. I am making sure it stays stable so it gets big and I can eat some crazy ass fruit I've never had. I also have a regular aloe which I hope does well. There is also the strange one in the middle that has already stabbed me a couple times because I did not respect its hussle.

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