Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Arya Stark Perler Bead

I finally got some new beads delivered yesterday and made this Arya Stark I had been planning on doing. I have been watching a lot of Game of Thrones recaps lately and she also happens to be my favorite character on the show. I have a top five and she is number one. To make this I took a image of her and turned it into a stencil. Then I took that stencil and turned it into pixels. Then I took those pixels, changed the colors into what I wanted and made it out of beads. It didn't not come out as big as I was afraid of it being. It is 16x11 and I was able to use a canvas that had something else on it. Just pulled that off and put her on. I like this. It's going on the wall with Hulk and John Wick.

And of course I am still adding a watermark since ebay doesn't stop dirtbags from stealing images from your site and pretending they made the design to sale it on their site.

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