Monday, March 2, 2020

New Plant And Gnat Killing

A few weeks ago I got some dirt for my plants and being a lazy ass did not bake my dirt. Yes, I bake dirt. Half an hour, let it cool, and use it. It kills whatever may be living in it. I also add some cinnamon. Anyhoot, I didn't bake it and a few days later started being assaulted by gnats. For weeks I have put off buying mosquito bits even when I had the chance to. Well today I bought some and repotted some plants as well as bought a new one because it was cute.

This is an Njoy pothos (Epipremnum aureum). I saw it at Anawalt and had to get it. I have not had this type of pathos/pothos and like these kinda of plants because they grow. I know it sounds weird but I like plants that change and don't grow slowly even though I do have a few of those.

I added some dirt to the plant my friend Koko gave me (and happened to be the source of gnats because I was lazy). The dirt mixture this time included perlite as well as mosquito bits. In case you are wondering yes they work. Don't waste your time buying sprays if you have an insect issue. Most times the few you see flying are nothing compared to what's hiding underneath. So let your plant dry a little, add some bits, and water.

I also repotted my Glechoma hederacea (ground-ivy, gill-over-the-ground, creeping charlie, alehoof, tunhoof, catsfoot, field balm, run-away-robin). I gave Cam some big chunks and a few weeks back accidentally chopped off a huge hunk and that is now in a pot. These were other cuttings were in multiple pots so I just combined them all and hopefully they get as big as the original (bottom image).

And here are all my living room plants being all happy. I am so glad that I am now able to grow so many plants in my place. There is always trial and error involved. I can not grow flower or very delicate flowers. I get a ton of light in my place so if something needs a lot of shade it goes on the top shelf.

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