Monday, February 11, 2019

Forcing Myself To Draw 5

Out of all the hobbies I have like writing, making songs, random painting, Perler bead making, using Pixlr, and podcasting, drawing is the one I do the least of. I tend to forget that it is something I used to do exclusively and it fell to the wayside as the years went by. For weeks I have had my drawing board near my bed in case I felt the urge to do something and last night it hit me while listening to podcasts. This is Tabitha who continues to be my barometer for drawing. With her I can see what has changed with my art or what needs to be done better. There is an artist Erra The Creator that does art that is cool as hell that inspired me to draw something. A lot of her stuff is proof that you do not need to cover art with shading or even faces sometimes for it to look amazing.

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