Saturday, November 17, 2018

Centipede Perler Bead

I id this Perler bead of the Atari game Centipede. I have never made anything from this particular game because it looks so simple and I couldn't figure out how to make it interesting. I added a Press Start design that I got from PXLPrincess. Click here to check her stuff out and buy some things. I got the canvas from the thrift store for five bucks and just painted it black.


Unknown said...

Hi Dante,
Thank you so much for this awesome art piece! We keep going back and looking at it. My husband summed it up the best:
"What makes it work is the little touches from the off registry 'PRESS START' to the density of the objects all being uniform and right down to it looking like a real play field and the final touch that really just got me all the way there is that... there's only one bullet on the screen.
It evokes the whole feeling of Centipede... you can almost hear the background noise of the game."
I can send you a picture once we put it up. LMK
I was going to message you but the "Contact Me" link isn't active.

Dante said...

You are very welcome. When I was deciding on what to give you I wanted for sure to give something from a classic game. The one bullet on screen was fitting to me because whenever I played that game it felt like you were just waiting for that to hit some enemy until having another to use. Just a constant state of "Come on!" If you all ever want something let me know. I'll get your contact information from Cam today.