Monday, May 11, 2020

New My Pet Monster Perler Bead

I made a My Pet Monster in Perler form years ago. I thought it was a couple of years ago but it turns out it was six years ago. You can tell by the fact that I still had my old carpet and I was using quarters to show the size of things I made. I still don't have any white beads but managed to find two loose ones which was all I needed. I used an image from the cartoon, pixelated it, changed a lot of the colors, and got started.

I used the large peg board and put three pieces to complete this. The part on the right was two lines too big to fit on the board which is just silly. Make bigger boards. I was able to use a lot of colors I normally do not to make the nose and teeth. I have always had a lot of the clear yellow beads in a bucket and was glad to get rid of some. Here is the first version I made below.

I added a watermark because people are still stealing actual images from my page and using them to sell items on ebay. Specifically some dude named Kandisho. He has stolen a lot of images and selling things I have made and many others. And the few things that are recreated look like trash. I have contacted ebay many times about this and their response was to email me links letting me know I could buy my stolen stuff.

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