Saturday, March 2, 2019

Owlman DC Perler Bead

I did this big Owlman using Perler beads. I had tried making it before using what I thought were the proper colors and even got close to halfway done before realizing that it looked terrible and I was going to have to start over or keep on making something I knew I was not happy with. I set it aide and worked on a couple other things until the right colors arrived. I used dark blue for the outside, light blue next, and then pastel blue for the slightly lighter shade. I love the way this came out. It had to be done in six pieces which is never fun to deal with. I sat weights on it overnight to make sure it stayed flat.

This is based off of the design of Owlman by Frank Quitely who is one of my three favorite comic book artists. If you are ever working on something and it does not look or feel right just stop. It is better to begin again than to complete something you know you're not happy with. Below I will show the design I almost used with the bad colors. I added a watermark because people are still using not just designs I made but the actual images and selling them on ebay. Like THIS guy. He did not make that and I would never charge that much for a design if I ever sold them.

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